Biographie Jimmy Delp "Le Magicien Orange"

Biography Jimmy Delp "The Orange Magician"

Prize list
  • Training: Commerce, National Conservatory of Dramatic Art, Actor Studio, French Magic Team
  • TV appearance in “The greatest cabaret in the world” at Patrick Sébastien in 2017
  • TV appearance in “Touche pas à mon poste” At Cyril Hanouna in 2018
  • Around ten other TV releases with his humor and magic acts (M6, Paris Première, FR3, Gulli, La Une, Chérie 25, etc.)
  • Show in Las Vegas on the same stage as David Copperfield for Magic Live (The most legendary magician convention in the world)
  • Videos viewed more than 6,000,000 times on Facebook and YouTube
  • Resident magician and ventriloquist at the star cabaret Don Camilo in 2016 (75016 Paris)
  • Success at the 2014 Avignon festival in the main hall of Cinevox, with its show “Le Magicien Orange”
  • Full season featured attraction in amusement parks; Saint Paul Park, Royal Kids…
  • Seasons Magician – entertainer at Club Med
  • Resident versatile artist at Lol Evènement
  • International tour with its various acts and shows, Las Vegas, Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Austria, Morocco, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, England… (more than 1000 performances).
  • Holder of the Merlin d’or 2015
  • Originality PRIZE at the 2014 French Magic Championship
  • “Humor” Audience AWARD (Lys d’or 2012)
  • 1st PRIZE “Humor” (Stage talent 2009)
  • 1st PRIZE “Magic & Humor” (Arteco Production 2008)
  • American Got Talent's Finalist (2019)



Behind the scenes of the show, between the bursts of laughter and the illusions, lies the genius of Jimmy Delp, a polymorphous artist whose journey is both a dream and determination. Born in the vibrant city of Marseille, Jimmy Delp awakened to the world of illusion from a very young age, a universe where reality and fantasy merge to create sparks in the eyes of spectators.

Trained in both the mysteries of commerce and the subtleties of theater at the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art, Jimmy merges his love for the stage with a deep fascination for magic, finding in this ephemeral art a means of transcending the boundaries between possible and the impossible.

His meteoric rise propelled him onto television screens, from popular shows such as "Le plus grand cabaret du monde" to the iconic show "Touche pas à mon poste", where his charisma and talent dazzled audiences across France. . But Jimmy is not limited to hexagonal borders; its name also resonates internationally, from the bustling streets of Las Vegas to the prestigious stages of Australia, via the legendary venues of London and the exotic festivals of Morocco.

Magician, ventriloquist, presenter, actor... Jimmy juggles caps like a virtuoso, captivating crowds with contagious energy and an innate sense of spectacle. Whether in amusement parks as a star attraction or on the prestigious stages of renowned festivals, Jimmy displays his talent with boundless creativity and unquenchable passion.

Beyond the spotlight and the applause, Jimmy embodies the essence of hard work and determination. Each number, each performance is the result of years of training, experimentation and collaboration with artists and creators from around the world. His secret notebook, where he records his wildest dreams, has become the playground for his most daring aspirations, transforming imagination into reality through his unique art.

Today, with his successes and countless distinctions, Jimmy Delp continues to inspire and amaze, constantly pushing the limits of illusion and creativity. For him, life is an endless game, a laboratory where each performance is a new experience, a new opportunity to make the stars shine in the eyes of his audience.

In Jimmy Delp's dazzling universe, the boundaries between reality and dreams blur to give way to a show in perpetual evolution, where the magic of imagination meets the magic of spectacle. Whether you are a spectator or a dreamer, prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating world of the Orange Magician, where each performance is an invitation to believe in the impossible and to dream bigger.

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